Age Spots Vs Cancer

Age spots may be unsightly but do not pose a health risk; however, newly appearing dark spots could warrant further evaluation by medical personnel. Skin cancers (in particular melanoma) can often resemble age spots. Therefore, it’s essential that we can distinguish the difference quickly – an exam could save lives! What are age spots? Age

10 Best Foods For Liver Cancer

An effective liver cancer diet can strengthen and support your immune system during treatment. Avoid high fat foods and consume frequent small meals instead of one or two large ones to manage fatigue and reduce obesity risks. Limit sugary drinks that offer minimal nutrition; their intake could raise your chances of obesity further. Try eating

Alternative Treatment For Liver Cancer

Based on your type of cancer, different treatments may be employed. Your healthcare team and you can collaborate in discussing all available treatment options to determine what fits best with your goals – this process is known as shared decision-making. Asparagus polysaccharide enhanced mitomycin’s tumoricidal effects against hepatocellular carcinoma cells by inducing apoptosis. Radiofrequency ablation

Adrenal Cancer Signs

Many tumors that develop within your adrenal gland are noncancerous (benign). Pheochromocytomas are one of the most frequently occurring benign adrenal tumors; they typically form in the outer layer of adrenal cortex. Blood and urine tests can assist your care team in diagnosing adrenal tumors, while CT and MRI scans can provide information about its

111 Hz Frequency Benefits Cancer

Doctors have used high-intensity ultrasound to eliminate cancer cells in the past. Sound waves vibrated within targeted cells caused them to heat up and kill both cancer cells without harming healthy ones. Ancient builders of Malta’s Hypogeum constructed temples which resonate at a particular frequency of 111Hz, believed to promote divine levels of meditation and

Alpha Cell Cancer Treatment

Alpha cell cancer is a rare, slow-growing pancreatic endocrine tumor characterized by the proliferation of alpha cells. These tumors produce and secrete glucagon hormone which stimulates glycogenolysis, thus increasing blood glucose. Recent findings demonstrate that the RIP-B7.1 transgenic mouse model of experimental autoimmune diabetes (EAD) accurately reproduces beta-cell death while permitting alpha-cell proliferation; thus creating