Does Staying Active Help With Cancer Prevention?

Diet and exercise both play an integral part in cancer prevention. We know that obesity and physical inactivity increase your risk for various forms of cancer, yet both factors are within our reach to change. Studies have demonstrated how staying physically active regularly along with enjoying a nutritious diet significantly reduce cancer risks; perhaps because

Average Payout For Cancer Misdiagnosis

If a medical error causes harm to one of your patients’ health, they could be eligible for compensation in terms of both financial losses incurred as well as non-economic damages like mental anguish. Medical negligence occurs when a physician fails to meet their duty of care towards their patient and commits misdiagnosis or any form

Age Spots Vs Cancer

Age spots may be unsightly but do not pose a health risk; however, newly appearing dark spots could warrant further evaluation by medical personnel. Skin cancers (in particular melanoma) can often resemble age spots. Therefore, it’s essential that we can distinguish the difference quickly – an exam could save lives! What are age spots? Age

Breast Cancer Awareness Game Ideas For Schools

Breast cancer awareness games are an excellent way to engage students with this cause. Through games, students can become acquainted with the necessity of seeking regular mammograms, performing self-exams and staying hydrated. At school sports events, make the cheerleaders wear pink pom-poms. Additionally, have your mascot walk around collecting donations during halftime with a collection

Breast Cancer Retreats in the USA

Costs associated with retreats are covered through donations and fundraising events, featuring activities and therapies designed to promote physical health. Women of Color Retreat was developed in response to an underserved population’s lack of services. This retreat allows women to express themselves freely, explore feelings and fears, build self-esteem and lower stress levels. What is

Alternative Treatment For Lung Cancer

Lung cancer can typically be treated through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or some combination thereof. Chemotherapy involves using drugs to kill cancer cells while surgery removes some of the tumor. Radiation may be used either before or after surgery as well as treating cancer that has spread throughout the body. Complementary and alternative treatments can

Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Ideas

Host a pink-themed party to raise funds for breast cancer research and treatment. Charge an entry fee or solicit donations during your event. Invite inspirational breast cancer survivors to share their stories with your audience and demonstrate the direct effect of your donation. Seeing someone speak directly gives people hope while showing the immediate impact

Alternative Treatment For Liver Cancer

Based on your type of cancer, different treatments may be employed. Your healthcare team and you can collaborate in discussing all available treatment options to determine what fits best with your goals – this process is known as shared decision-making. Asparagus polysaccharide enhanced mitomycin’s tumoricidal effects against hepatocellular carcinoma cells by inducing apoptosis. Radiofrequency ablation