Cannabidiol (CBD), a prominent component of Cannabis sativa, is increasingly recognized in the realm of oncological treatment. Surveys underscore its popularity among cancer patients. Distinguished from its counterpart tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by its lack of intoxicating properties, CBD emerges as a focal point in cancer research. Its potential in addressing cancer symptoms and treatment side effects is substantiated by both preclinical and clinical studies.

The therapeutic landscape of CBD is vast, including CBD creams, oils and edibles. Potentially influencing multiple pathways implicated in cancer’s development. Research highlights its possible efficacy, sometimes in concert with THC, in alleviating cancer-related discomforts such as pain, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, nausea, vomiting, and oral mucositis. Furthermore, CBD might amplify the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy while safeguarding against damage to nerves and organs.

Cannabis sativa, with a medicinal history spanning thousands of years, boasts over 540 metabolites contributing to its healing properties. CBD and THC stand out among these. CBD’s extensive therapeutic benefits, particularly relevant to cancer care, are being unraveled through ongoing research. This article delves into CBD’s potential mechanisms of action in cancer treatment and its role in an integrated approach to managing cancer, including mitigating side effects of traditional cancer therapies. The integration of CBD into conventional oncology signifies a promising frontier in cancer management.

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