111 hz frequency benefits cancer

Doctors have used high-intensity ultrasound to eliminate cancer cells in the past. Sound waves vibrated within targeted cells caused them to heat up and kill both cancer cells without harming healthy ones.

Ancient builders of Malta’s Hypogeum constructed temples which resonate at a particular frequency of 111Hz, believed to promote divine levels of meditation and trance states, heightening spiritual awareness.

Relieves stress

111 Hz can do more than promote cell rejuvenation; it also works to alleviate stress and anxiety by stimulating endorphin production – natural painkillers which promote feelings of well-being and relaxation. Furthermore, this frequency helps enhance cognitive processing as well as memory storage and increase focus power.

This frequency has been described as resonating with angelic frequencies and can help us connect to higher consciousness. Furthermore, it opens and balances the crown chakra – associated with spiritual awareness and communion with divine forces – facilitating deeper meditation practices.

Researchers have recently demonstrated how certain frequencies can inhibit cancer cell growth by prompting it to self-destruct. After testing multiple frequencies and selecting those producing optimal biofeedback responses, these were used in treating various tumor types; particularly effective was 111Hz when treating thyroid cancer despite this study’s limited sample sizes making its cause-and-effect relationship difficult to establish.

Relieves pain

111Hz frequencies are thought to resonate with the body’s natural energy centers and help create balance, deep relaxation and healing. They can reduce stress levels and anxiety as well as regulate heart rate and blood pressure and improve circulation, stimulate immunity and create a soothing effect on nervous systems; and can even be used for meditation purposes to connect to higher realms or facilitate spiritual experiences.

One of the most remarkable claims made about 111 Hz is its ability to stimulate natural beta-endorphin production within your own body – your natural painkillers that help relieve pain, elevate mood, and increase empathy – similar to how opioid drugs such as morphine or heroin work.

The 111 Hz frequency can be found in many ancient temples and monuments, such as Malta’s Hypogeum temple which dates back 3,500 years ago and features an Oracle chamber with resonance at exactly 111 Hz; this sacred frequency is considered sacred as it induces a divine level of meditation or trance that helps people connect to the universe, God or their creator.

Promotes healing

111 Hz is one of six original Solfeggio frequencies and is well known for its spiritual healing and balancing effects. Associated with white light and crown chakra, representing connection to divinity, this frequency also promotes feelings of peace, clarity and love.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of tumor-specific modulation frequencies to inhibit cancer cells growth in specific areas. They are highly effective, well tolerated frequencies, providing potential new therapeutic strategies for advanced cancer patients.

Research led by Dr Ian Cook demonstrated that listening to 111 Hertz triggers an instant shift from left-sided dominance to right-sided dominance (hemispheric rebalancing), increasing empathy, mood and holistic processing as well as inducing an Alpha state trance state in minutes – this allows our minds and bodies to connect more closely with the Universe, God or a Creator while strengthening healing capacities of bodymind as healers. Furthermore, ancient temples like Malta’s Hypogeum had similar resonance from listening to 111 Hertz.

Reduces anxiety

A 111Hz singing bowl’s soothing vibrations resonate with our energy centers to promote harmony, relaxation, and healing in the body. Its sacred vibrations also help reduce stress and anxiety while also regulating heart rate and blood pressure – increasing feelings of well-being, empathy, focus, and memory in ways no other form can.

Scientists have also discovered that 111 Hz frequencies can successfully kill cancer cells while leaving healthy ones unharmed. After mixing cancer cells with healthy blood and immune cells, they utilized 500,000 hertz ultrasound waves to selectively kill cancerous ones while leaving all other cells untouched – in one minute this treatment destroyed all cancerous ones but caused only slight damage to immune cells.

The frequency 111 Hz has been associated with the production of endorphins, natural painkillers. Furthermore, this frequency helps with cell rejuvenation and regeneration, relieving pain, elevating mood and improving focus and memory.